Once the senior is no longer able to drive independently, their ability to navigate the world is strictly hampered. Resources for transportation must often include handicapped accessibility. In a medium sized to large communities, the local public transportation agency can be contacted. The term “medi car” is often used for wheelchair accessible vehicles where no medical provider is in attendance. Most communities have companies that will outfit a van for handicapped transportation including wheelchair accessibility. Physical and occupational therapy providers can assist the senior and driver to transfer safely and to use a vehicle that best meets the needs of the senior. Ask your physician for a referral and Medicare may pay for the consultation.
If the senior is a veteran, there may be programs or resources available to assist with care, medications and non medical care. Many of the programs are financial needs based so be prepared before you set up an appointment. You need the DD 214 form which is provided on honorable discharge to apply for most benefits. Check the VA web site for more information at www.va.gov. Depending on the income requirements, the senior or their spouse may be eligible for healthcare benefits, medication or monthly stipend to assist with nursing home or assisted living care and services.
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