The mixed bag of conditions that led to memory loss is diverse. Even though we think we know how to diagnose the specific conditions we see on brain scans, we likely underestimate the cases of mixed cause. One thing that is more common in all types of dementing conditions is behavior impairment. This is also not one size fits all.
From a diagnostic standpoint, if the individual with dementia is demonstrating behaviors that mimic a psychotic state, we may call it dementia with psychosis. Many families become concerned when they see this diagnosis and feel that they now have a family history of mental illness or psychosis. This is not so. The diseased brain of the individual with dementia is malfunctioning because of its diseased state. The behaviors are merely the brain’s inability to react, respond and interact healthily.
The online dictionary defines psychosis as “a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality.” Some of the symptoms of psychosis include paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, self-neglect, impulsiveness, poor safety awareness all of which may be manifest with dementia. The brain is malfunctioning, and the malfunction is displayed in behavioral ways.
Because an immediate family member has dementia with symptoms consistent with psychosis does not mean that you now have a family history of mental illness and psychosis. It merely means that these symptoms are apparent, but due to another condition in the brain.
It is upsetting to see someone you love with these symptoms. It is undoubtedly fear-inducing to face the behaviors and not be able to redirect them. They cannot be cured with medication and may not even be able to be managed. They are best handled by seeking information and support from someone who is an expert in the field of dementia. A physician is not always the best resource. Professionals like nurses and social workers who work in this area of healthcare are essential to team members. If you require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out.